Selasa, 18 Juli 2017


Today.. hm.. i start worrying about my future. Even tough my today's activities has nothing to do with it. I did accompanied ummi to bought tickets to bogor. Again, back to bogor. Train stasiun is really crowded, long line, and busy. Is not easy to get two tickets. Need to go to customer service first before buying the ticket. Also, the price is more expensive (different kind of train). Before, i just need to pay 150.000 rupian to bogor. And vice versa. But ticket today for tomorrow is 270.000 rupiah.
Today is just hot weather. Need some ice fruit. So, we bought sup buah & es campur. Buying some bread for the way. And come back home. On my journey, when i ride motorcycle, ummi suddenly said that she is very sleepy. Then not long after that, she had fell asleep. That is really worrying. We are fine. Alhamdulillah. A little bit thrilling, a little bit funny for me.. 😊

July 16, 2017
23 Syawal 1438 H
22.22 WIB (Gmt +7)
Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Jumat, 07 Juli 2017

My day

Maybe it's too late talking about how is my day,..
Today is just nice story. We wake up in the morning, almatsurat from abah voice through masjid near house is always echoing. Sad morning with ummi tears becouse house is very messy. I did cleaned the kitchen, with unordinary and uncomfortable ways. No flowing water like i usually do. Cleaned the dishes with 3 steps and 2 bucket of water that i have to change occasionaly. But, mood condition being better slowly. Hamam start to cooks for ummi who really want to eat pizza noodle;that i did rejected before because i do not have any confidence to cook it well.
With limited water, we have to taking a bath today, because we have an invitation for wedding. It is just looks like "ngunduh mantu" where it is groom side of ceremony. We came without knowing who the bride is. She is not there. Also, each of person whose came have to giving the groom wedding gift. Older guest give the gift to the parents groom. Younger guest give the gift to the groom. There is no special event in that ceremony, just it is my first time did writting many envelope for one event one invitation. Ummi, abah, and my other 3 lilttle siblings. Unique. We came with heavy tummy. So we did not eat anything but a rare fruit. They called it 'abiyu' fruit. But akik said 'i love you' fruit. It is rare fruit which i never seen it anywhere before. The taste is amazing, just like matoa. The texture also same. But the size of the fruit and the skin texture is different with matoa. It is taste sweet, delicious, i just love it. But not even sure i can see it again in Jogja.
We left the party before even we know what should we do. 😁
But, our day is just keep going. With my grandparents house location, where are very far from any places, so, my first lil bro decide to try the new track, ummi said just go first, abah said "from masjid to masjid". Then, our destination is masjid agung cianjur.
The track is just the same. Mountain track with suzuki carry and the road that not really nice. I just sleep.
Finish with salah duhur & ashar in masjid cianjur, finish with es duren, avocado juice and siomay, next is looking for lunch.
The restaurant name is Alam Sunda. The taste & service are really good. Wow.. i just love it... Highly recommended for anyone who visit cianjur. The sambals also amazing. I just need to come again, by the way. 😊😊
After the long way back from cianjur, with abah who is driving, with my first lil bro loud snoring, with stop in view place for duku and manggoes. We did arrive cimeong with full tummy and sleepy heavy..
The most amazing things are ummi and abah. They are seemed no worries, not tired. Ummi immedietly do the laundry. A bunch. A lot. Abah immidietly teach the kids tahsin. Kind of shock actually for me. Abah is just seem different. And that is how my day.. but then suddenly, when i was about to turn of the gerage lamp, i find out that the laundry hanger is broken. All the laundry move to window. 😂😂
Last, before i writing these, i did watch 45 minutes anime movie. The titled is kotonoha no niwa. That is also recommended movie. Not heavy story that you have to think hard, just romantic anime with nice story.
Good night.

July 2, 2017
9 Syawal 1438 H
21.52 WIB (gmt+7)
Cimeong, Bogor
Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Senin, 30 Mei 2016

mari berjuang, berkisah, menulis, membaca, dan menonton.... jangan lupa tilawah dan sholat tepat waktu.... fighting !!!

udah, gini aja... ^_^

baca-baca buku, baca-baca sinopsis, baca-baca komik, dan baca-baca yang ada di laman.. itu sebelah kanan... hehe

Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

Indomie 3

Dan indomie satu ini lebih enak dari indomie 2. Iyalaah... lebih simple, lbh gmpg bikinnya..
Bahannya cm indomie goreng, adonan pangsit yg byk dijual di pasar, dan telur untuk perekat, juga minyak goreng untuk menggoreng. Caranya? Wuih gampang. Anak SD jg bisa bikin. Bikin aja indomie goreng sesuai instruksi di bungkusnya. Setelah itu masukin ke adonan pangsit, trus pinggirannya direkatkan pakai telur. Dan kemudian digoreng deep fry.. dan jadilah. Pangsit isi indomie.. enaaaak... 😆😆      

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

Indomie 2

Jadi untuk indomie kali ini sebenernya lebih simple. Bahannya seadanya juga. Niat awalnya mau bkin indomie pancake. Tapi apa daya gosong begini, krn tgn kiri lagi sakit, maka memasak hy dgn 1 tgn sj. Kesulitan pas mbalik, jadilah gosong.. hehe..
Bahannya sederhana: indomie goreng 1 bks,daun bawang,gelatin,bawang goreng,adonan cair.
Indomie goreng dimasak seperti biasa. Dg sgala bumbunya. Adonan  cairnya, semacam adonan bakwan tp sedikit lbh cair,jgn lupa dibumbuin jg adonannya, at least garam and mrica.
Dan cara memasaknya adalah.
Potong daun bawang kecil2,masukkan di wajan anti lengket, trus masukkan ke wajan juga gelatin yg udh dipotong kecil2, setelah gelatin dirasa matang, masukkan indomi goreng diatasnya. Diatas daun bawang
dan gelatin. Ratakan ke seluruh permukaan wajan, sampe bentuknya tampak tipis. Kemudian sirami dg adonan cair. Tunggu sampai matang kedua sisi, taruh di piring lalu taburi bawang goreng. jadi deh... enak rasanya. Meski enggak dg nampaknya. Hehe.. 😁

Indomie 1

Udah nyimpen banyak resep untuk mengkreasikan indomie. Belum lama baru keturutan, kalopun udah dicoba hasilnya nggak seperti yang diinginkan.
Jadi, kusebut dia si indomie 1 ini dengan sebutan indomie cake.    Bahan dan caranya juga gampang bingitss..
Bahannya itu cuma indomie goreng. Berdasar foto diatas,itu satu bungkus indomie. Dimasak aja kayak biasa. Pake bumbu seperti biasa juga. Lalu, setelah itu dipindah ke cetakan untuk oven, enaknya klo cetakannya udah dioles mentega ato minyak. Mi gorengnya dipindah ke cetakan, dikasih suwiran ayam atasnya, daun bawang, juga keju cheddar. Lalu, tuang kocokan telur kedalam cetakan tmpt mi dan tmn2nya berada. Sebenernya resep begini suka suka aja ya bahannya. Tapi saat itu bahan bahan tersebut yg ada dirumah. Dan kemudian panggang indomie. Gk usah lama lama, kira kira aja. Klo udah mengembang dan telurnya udh mateng. Siap dimakan. Pake saos tomat and sambel enakk... 😱

Minggu, 06 September 2015

Indomie 1

Yeeeeeaaaa.... enaaak... ♥ lagi-lagi masak-masak... ^_^