Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

my eonni & my eonni

I have two eonni. Just short time, only a short time I feel really close with them. We are three, three girls that never have planned to love the same things: Movie, TV show, music, food, and book, interesting. I am going to talking about myself. I know them since long time ago, but I never have the special feeling to them as friends, they are my senior. That’s it. And after that they were became my murobbi, firstly, there was strange feeling in my heart, in the beginning. Because I was afraid about something I do not understand. Maybe because both of my sisters (eonni eonni… hehe) are best one in our organization (in my point of view).
But, time running, I not really realize that suddenly I close to them, special feeling as a dongseng, or maknae (hehe).. They are the great people, filling my day with cooking, eating, have lunch and dinner together, even though not every day, (hehe..), telling story, comment the celebrity issues, sharing our hobby, sharing collection, always listening my story about my family.. I feel both of them are full of respect. Because I think, not all people response me that good when I speaking. Not all. Maybe I praise them a lot. What I write is the true, what should I do then. But I really love them as a sister…
I have always the habit when come to their koskosan, seeing their front door, are there any of shoes or not. If there are no shoes, it means that they are not in their room. Because my sisters stay in the same koskosan with my friends, so this is really lovely habit. But it is still a habit even though there are an empty room right now..
One of them (ne eonni) is already move to her hometown, gathering with her family. But, whatever the condition, we will always together. We are stay under the same sky, we are survive in the same world, let’s keep fighting. I think, being apart is not a problem, because farewell is the beginning of our new story…
Eonni eonni..  sarangheyo… ^_^
Eonni ****i & Eonni ***a …

_please deny the grammar, I still learning.. hehe _
 picture from google.com

my friend

Just like Bikini Bottom member, we are together with different personality and our own habits. Friendship is about how much we care, how we create happiness, how we together laugh, how we face our problem, how we motivate each other. Friendship is the love feeling that never changes. No matter what happens. Last night is not the farewell party or farewell dinner, but we create one more story that never forgot… for my friend who come back to Lombok… no matter what happens, do not forget us, let’s meet again in your wedding… hehehe…
I hope everything is going well, and you success in place where you stay, and also thank you for being my friend.. Love you… ^_^

_please deny the grammar, I still learning.. hehe _
picture from google.com

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

TERBanG ?!

.Terkungkung sendiri disini,,
Sunyi dan senyap
Tanpa kawan..
Tanpa lawan..
Mencoba berlari menghindari kesendirian
Namun kemudian jatuh dan terpuruk dalam keramaian
Berteriak lantang,,
Memohon uluran tangan..
Enggan untuk kembali sendiri
Tak satu pun menoleh
Triakan lantang itu seolah tak ada
Kemudian,, mau tak mau,,
Bangkit seorang diri,,
Berlari lagi,,
melompat sangat tinggi,,,
menyentuh bulan… dan terbang.. !!
_intan_8.30 WIB_Sekret JAM_FE UII_Yogyakarta_22 Juni 2010_selasa_